How to get Sapa From Ha Noi is the most popular question of traveler. Let’s see some information to get answer and more detail. Located 38 km from Lao Cai City and 376 km from Ha Noi. Sapa is a mountainous district of Lao Cai Province. The Sapa district is well-known for its beautiful and romantic

Sapa , just a name makes, you know, i know, and we know it is wonderful of nature and human.Nature very generous when award the land located on 1,600m above sea level wonderful gitfs.Touris visiting sapa will have opportunity to fall into the rythm of life here : view imposing scenery, enjoying specialties of local

Trekking Sapa: Things must bring and do
Sapa is always attractive destinations for international visitors. So how to can not miss memorable when travel to sapa . These small suggestions will help you before travelling Sapa and something you must put into effect to make sure a memorable Sapa trekking experience A guide is a must: There’re both full-day & half-day hikes