Cat Cat village was fouded since 19th century and about 2 km away from thr centre of Sapa town.People are mainly Mong minority and often build houses spaced out dozen metres apart by mountain sides. They grow rice in stair fields and maize on the mountain according to handcraft cultivation method.
At present ,Cat Cat village is preserving its old architectural monuments such as Pomu timber plank – roofed triple-room houses and many traditional handcraft such as growing cotton and flax , cloth weaving and maniputiating jewelry. Only with looms ,the Mong people have created colourful brocade clothes with patterns of tree,leaves, flowers, and animals.Besides this, Cat Cat village expands crafts of dying, printing and embroidering patterns on cloth. The most popular method remains dying in black and vegetable cinders water with forest leaves.Dyed cloth will be shined by rolling with a round section of a tree trunk on flat beeswax-covered rocks
Source : collection