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Arriving in Sapa, it impossible not to mention the acient rocks ground in Muong Hoa where is of great ” god’s book” .The acient rocks ground covers on an area of about 8 and a part of Lao Chai, Ta van , Hau Thao Communes, including 200 large and small stone spreading around Muong Hoa valley, It was discovered in 1925 bay Russian French orientalist Victor Goloubev .Also ,scientist have found 159 large rocks with carving shapes, which are the most ancient stone steles in Viet Nam

Line of strange letters, image of geographical map battlefield sketch carved on rocks are the ancient people’s hallmarks which are still decoded yet. According to scientists , the ancient rocks ground is a huge fund of knowledge on nature and community life . And the folk legend believed that these were mutual agreements and documents of the ancient civilivization.

In 1994 , the ancient rocks ground was acknowledge a national-level cultural historical vestige and put in the list of preservation . It is now recommended to United Nation Educational , Scientific and Cultural Orgganization – UNESCO to acknowledge the world cultural heritage

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